Categories represent broad schools of thought, ideas, problems, and interests of philosophers. Category details in addition to including metadata about categories also include a list of philosophers associated with the given category.
is another of the top-level objects returned by the Philosophers API.
Sample Category:
{ "abbreviation": "ep", "description": "Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that concerns the theory of knowledge and justified belief.", "images": { "banner800x600": "/Images/Epistemology@2x.png", "banner1200x900": "/Images/Epistemology@3x.png", "banner400x300": "/Images/Epistemology.png" }, "wikiTitle": "Epistemology", "iepLink": "", "id": "5FB37033-12F0-4ED1-BA44-F0F2E279C4C0", "speLink": "", "name": "Epistemology" }
- - Gets a list of all categories sorted by name.
/api/categories/search?keyword=<# keyword #>
- - List of all categories matching search
/api/categories/<# category id #>
- - Gets details of a category including associated philosophers
/api/categories/name/<# category name #>
- - Gets details of a category including associated philosophers based on the passed in name (e.g. "Metaphysics," "Ethics," etc.)
All endpoint responses include a set of paths for various "banner" images for a category.
Sample Images:
... "images": { "banner800x600": "/Images/Epistemology@2x.png", "banner1200x900": "/Images/Epistemology@3x.png", "banner400x300": "/Images/Epistemology.png" } ...
Where images
is a somewhat abstract alpha channel image that can be tinted and composited with a background color.
Sample Category Details:
{ "name": "Ethics", "id": "1F68D9EC-93B5-45FE-A06B-27F19BC1FFFD", "speLink": "", "associatedPhilosophers": [ ... ], "iepLink": "", "abbreviation": "et", "images": { "banner800x600": "/Images/Ethics@2x.png", "banner1200x900": "/Images/Ethics@3x.png", "banner400x300": "/Images/Ethics.png" }, "wikiTitle": "Ethics", "description": "Ethics attempts to systematize, define, and recommend right and wrong conduct." }
- - UUID that identifies a category
- - The name of the category
- - Brief, one-line description of the category
- - String of the title to the Wikipedia article about the category. URLs can be constructed as<# wikiTitle #>
- - Two-letter string that represents the category. Used for relating key ideas to categories.
- - Optional URL to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article about the category
- - Optional URL to Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article about the category
- - Dictionary with image paths for various images, see above
- - Array of philosophers associated with the category